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Declutter part 3...DECIDE WHAT STAYS

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

At this point, you have some decluttering energy behind you. Part three is less physical but get the coffee brewing. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and decide WHAT STAYS?

Take a look around the room you're working on. Ask yourself what in your room fits? When you look at each item ask yourself does it make you happy? Is there a lovely pillow that feels cozy? A picture that brings you calm or good feelings? Keep those items. Place them on your bed or sorting table.

On the other hand, if you're on the fence about an item, sort it into toss or donate bins or try a cooling off period. I use THE BAG METHOD.

THE BAG METHOD...What to do with items you're unsure of. If you're thinking of keeping something that doesn't fit in a room or on your body try a cooling off period. For smaller items or clothes you can use the bag or box method. Place items you can't part with into a 'FOR NOW' box, bin or bag. Place those items in a closet or the garage for 30 days. No peeking or shopping the bag during that time. You can only remove an item if you really need or miss it. After 30 days, donate or toss the rest of the items...or repeat the 30 days. Set a reminder on your phone to take a look after the month has passed. This is a painless way to transition questionable items out.

If you're debating on a piece of furniture, move it out of the space for now. Wrap it with an old sheet and store it in your garage or find it a new home. Maybe that bedside table will work as a side table in your family room.

This second sort will give you space for treasured belongings. Next step is organizing...

  • Take the toss and garbage bins out of your room.

  • Sort items into like piles.

  • Fold clothes, towels or linens.

  • Dust off books and lamps.

  • Toss near empty bottles of lotion or soaps.

  • Vacuum and dust your room.

  • Wipe down the baseboards. (trust me, it's the perfect time)

Next time, we'll put the room back together. Find or buy some small trays, storage bins or boxes like this one from IKEA.

You can store smaller items in them to reduce visual clutter. For now, relax you're over halfway there! Excited? Me too!

Need a hand with decluttering?

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